社会学 allows students to develop a “vivid awareness of the relationship between personal experience and the wider society" (C. Wright Mills), a sociological imagination. 

Through examination of topics such as socio-economic class, 种族和民族, 家庭, 性别, 卫生和医药, 性, 教育, 媒体, immigration—in the US and across the world— students come to an appreciation of how the lives of individuals are deeply connected to larger social structures and histories.

社会学 Department Statement on Racism and Violence against Asians, 亚裔美国人, 和太平洋岛屿居民

Racism and xenophobia directed at Asians, 亚裔美国人, 和太平洋岛屿居民 have long histories in US society; those attacks have become more common, visible and recognized this past year. Many in our community have experienced or witnessed such acts, causing fear and uncertainty. The 社会学 Department strongly condemns this 种族歧视 and violence against Asians and 亚裔美国人 and we stand with and ready to protect and defend our classmates, 的同事们, 朋友, 家庭成员. 正如社会学家, we know that 性别ed and classed 种族歧视 has deep roots and many forms in American society. We remain deeply committed to working toward racial justice and inclusivity for all groups at Bowdoin, in the United States and beyond.

社会学 Department Statement on Black Lives Matter

We, as faculty and staff of the 社会学 Department at Bowdoin College, condemn the white supremacy, 制度化的种族主义, and state-sanctioned violence responsible for the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna泰勒, 乔治•弗洛伊德, Dion约翰逊, 托尼·麦克达德, Rayshard布鲁克斯, and countless other Black people.

is especially directed to our current and former students engaging in these ongoing struggles for justice. We see you, and we support you in this call for action.

Interested in studying sociology at Bowdoin?

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